Foundation of Feminine Leadership

This session explores an analytical, intersectional, and healing frame that defines and distinguishes feminine leadership and the ways every person, regardless of their gender identity or expression, has the capacity to develop and express feminine leadership in public space. This session is a truncated version of the flagship training for the Political Healers Project, and is open to any person interested in exploring and better understanding their feminine leadership.

Feeling Safe, Seen and Heard: Trauma-informed Practice (TIP) in Movement Spaces

As we develop and implement strategies across the country to build multi-racial and multi-class people power, we must consider the realities of accessibility and inclusion of diverse groups in our movement spaces. Specifically, we must consider the role that trauma plays in how people show up in our organizations, as well as the extent to which people feel safe, seen and heard in them. This training aims to define trauma, to articulate the impact of trauma, and to begin to develop among participants the ability to recognize, understand and respond to trauma in team settings and movement spaces. This training also explores methods for healing from trauma on individual, interpersonal and institutional levels.

Foundational Training Series

Session Descriptions

The foundational training series offers the race, class and gender analysis that’s at the core of our work as political healers. It’s ideally suited for individuals who seek a clear intersectional analysis across race, class and gender that incorporates healing practice. Attend this training series to better understand why we call our leadership development work “feminine” leadership development that’s available to all people, regardless of gender identity or expression, or why we believe that our talents are the flip sides of our trauma, to name a few points.

The foundational training series is offered 3 times a year. To find out the next opportunity to register check out our “Upcoming Events” page.


Racial Capitalism and Other forms of Structural Oppression

The purpose of this session is to provide a political analysis of the structural and intersectional natures of racism, gender oppression, and capitalism (also read class and economics). Participants will explore definitions of oppression, the micro and macro levels upon which oppression operates, and will reflect upon their personal experiences navigating these levels of oppression. Finally, this session aims to deepen participants’ understanding of how building and exercising power in public space is one of the most radical and effective ways to create inclusive and equitable and thriving communities. 

Cultural Competence & Interpersonal Relationships

 Relationship building is at the heart of both power building and creating community. It allows us to better understand one another’s self-interests and to work together to achieve mutually-beneficial goals. But structural forces like oppression, cultural trauma, racial capitalism and patriarchy interfere with our ability to relate deeply to one another and to build the kind of community power that we need to create structural change. This 3-hour training aims to develop participants’ awareness of, and to increase their ability to engage and share space with diverse groups of people. By exploring the connection between implicit bias and trauma, and the connection between implicit bias and dominant narratives in society, participants will begin to recognize cultural competence as a pathway to healing individual and cultural trauma, and will develop communication skills and healing practices to achieve both aims.