What's Your Back-to-School Story?


Back-to-School means a lot of different things for different people. Sharing your experiences from around this time of year – whether you be a current or former student, a parent, educator, administrator, or even a homeowner (in many municipalities property taxes dictate school budgets) – gives you the ability to better understand the impact these experiences have on you. Story sharing also provides a context for better understanding your current needs and values, and provides a context for relating with other people. What’s your back-to-school story?


What was your back-to-school experience as a student in school? 

What is your experience of the back-to-school season now?



This month’s story prompt example comes from Girl Rising’s Afghanistan chapter, and features the stories of Afghan girls for whom going “back to school” has been erased as a possibility. Hear these girls stories.

Michaela Purdue Lovegood